GFT filed a Writ of Mandate in the Superior Court of Guam against the Government of Guam Retirement Fund to get fair and proper retirement amounts for all members of law enforcement under PL29-105. GFT finds the calculation to determine retirement income by the Government of Guam Retirement Fund for law enforcement retired employees, in error by paying out a lesser amount to the retired employees than they should get. Under PL29-105, all law enforcement and public safety employees were paid an additional 10% for four years beginning in 2008. However, the additional pay was not paid accordingly and was paid out in lump sum years later. Instead of using salary amounts on the actual years it was paid to employees, GovGuam Retirement Fund calculated the additional pay when it was supposed to be paid out, and not the year it was actually paid. GFT is taking this action to protect retired member employees in law enforcement and current member employees who will be affected.