145+ countries guarantee paid sick days for everyone who works. But not the U.S.!
85% of restaurant workers have no paid sick days. And, 90% of food-borne illnesses that start in restaurants are traced to employees who were forced to work sick, or lose pay, or even lose their jobs. Ahhh chooo! Nearly 100 million workers dont have paid sick days to care for a sick child–and even the Center for Disease Control says sick kids should stay home so illness doesnt spread.
Almost 80% of all service sector employees (restaurants, childcare, hotels, home health, etc.) have no paid sick days. This simply isnt healthy. We all get sick. Lets do whats best for our kids, our co-workers, and our countrys health. Lets ensure liberty, justice, and a guaranteed minimum number of paid sick days for ALL! After all, no one should have to work while theyre sick.