Today is officially the Chinese New Year: Year of the Ox. The Year of the Ox is said to symbolize prosperity through fortitude and hard work and this is exactly the message we want to spread. For years our island has been going through tough economic situations, but the New Year has brought so much hope and motivation for our families. It will take a lot of determination and hard work to get our island back to a stable financial situation and it will take each and every one of us to make this happen. Our elected officials are already in the process of finding ways to implement a living wage law and Universal Healthcare system. If we want to get out of our failed economy, we need to start growing our middle class and these are just a few things we can do to make this happen. You may or may not be in the position of power to make changes in our laws, but you do have a voice and you have elected officials that are here to help you and your family.