The Budget Bill for the fiscal year (FY) was passed today 10-5 vote. This FY budget appropriates $540Million, a 3.7% increase over last year. The cost of living and doing business in Guam went up by 6% which means we will be getting 2.3% less service! Once again we are robbing our families from having a decent life. Wages aren’t keeping up with inflation and our GovGuam budget isn’t enough to provide adequate services for the people of Guam. In order to build our economy, we need to invest more into our public structure. Senator Rector, “We are cheating our families of the public structure they deserve and need in order to live a decent life. In fact, it’s even harsher on the biggest users of public services: women, children, the poor, needy and the physically and mentally challenged. We can and must do better!”