Working families spoke up and gave their testimonials supporting Resolution No. 159 endorsing the Abercrombie amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act at the public hearing held Saturday, August 15th.

“I’m in support for this because finally there’s somebody that recognizes we are U.S. citizens and should be treated and paid like U.S. citizens. Why should I uproot my family to go back out to the states to get paid what those people get paid? It’s about time we get paid the same amount they get paid for the same work. What about these young people who just get out of college? The young Chamorros that go to school and get an education come out and get a job that makes way less than in the United States. Just to get the American dream they have to leave their homeland.” – David Teixeira

“The construction industry has been inflating about 4-5%, contractors are getting raises but the men and women aren’t. I don’t see inflation happening, if you know economics then you know things will balance out.” Kaeoni Mahoe