After stopping negotiations for three weeks, Port managers have been calling Union Members into closed door meetings to encourage them to quit the Union. Not only is this specifically against the law (4GCA§10111 a 3 Management officials are prohibited from- discourage membership in any employee organization) and an act of bad faith while negotiating a contract but it is deemed a Mortal Sin by the Catholic Church. Our Government is suppose to uphold the law and protect people’s rights not be run by Law Breakers and Sinners! GFT has filed another Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) with Guam’s Department of Labor (who is responsible for enforcing ULPs) and will be calling on the Chair of the Labor Committee, Senator Palacios, to hold a Labor oversight hearing on why these Managers are allowed to break the Law. GFT will also be forwarding copies to the US Department of Transportation, US Department of Labor and the Obama Administration to withhold Federal Funds from this union busting agency again.
by Toneshia Harris | May 24, 2010 | Local News