One of the great things GFT has done to improve service for our members is offer free TB Tests every year right before the start of school. Hundreds of members and their families come every year and we have it right at the GFT office with member nurses who would volunteer their time to conduct the tests. This year we will be holding the TB Test on Saturday, August 6, 2011 from 9am to 3pm at the GFT Office. This is free for GFT members, their spouse and children. Please bring shot records or forms required by the worksite or school. For more information, you may contact the GFT Office at 735-4390.
We are also in need of Nurse volunteers to read the TB Skin test the following Monday and/or Tuesday, from 3 – 6 p.m. at the GFT Office. Please contact the GFT office if you would like to volunteer.