Although Guam’s public education has been severely underfunded for years, our teachers and support staff have done an incredible job using the resources available. In fact, teachers spend a big chunk of their own money buying supplies and teaching material just so that their students can get a decent education. Despite the department’s financial difficulties, our teachers do a great job because of the love they have for their students and most importantly the collective bargaining power they have as a union. When we won the current teachers’ contract five years ago, it was a big victory because it addressed important issues such as decent class sizes and work duties. With negotiations for the new contract resuming, we hope that our teachers can win another good contract that will improve on-going issues and address new ones as well. Our teachers and parents deserve a better contract so let’s give them treats and no tricks! Have a happy and safe Halloween!
For more updates on the negotiations, visit the Teachers’ Negotiations page on the GFT Website