Bill 414 proposed by Senator Ben Pangelinan suggests that GovGuam borrow a bond to repair our public schools. It is important that our legislature pass this bill as our schools are in dire need of repair and maintenance. We have less students now then we had 10 years ago, there is no need to construct new schools. We need to maintain the schools that we already have. The good thing about using a bond that invests into our public infrastructure is that the value of our infrastructure becomes higher. By investing into our public structure, we will also be creating jobs. Read Bill 414 here
After successful results in various construction and development projects throughout the United States, GFT proposes that a Community Benefit Agreement be implemented when hiring contractors to repair and rebuild our schools with the Bond money. At least 60% of the workers hired by these contractors should be residents of Guam for at least five years. The intent for this agreement is to create local jobs. According to the latest DOL Unemployment Report, over 9,000 adults want a job but for various reasons, including not being able to find work, did not look for work. The more local workers employed in Guam means more money into workers’ pockets which will circulate in our economy. Local workers spend their money locally by buying new cars, cell phones, clothes, eating out at restaurants or going to the movies.
In addition to repairing schools, the GFT also proposes that $5M be used to pay the money owed from the illegal Teacher furlough in SY2003. After over a decade, teachers have yet to be paid even after the Court ordered DOE to pay. Every elected official says that public education is a priority so let’s give back the money owed to the people responsible for the education of our children, their teachers. Read more on the teacher furlough here