A new computer lab launched at Tiyan High School Thursday afternoon in support of career-based programs for students. The career lab includes 28 desktop workstations, 1 HP printer and 1 digital Promethean board. It will be used to support student learning, career awareness, the ACT WorkKeys and the Choices360 Career Interest Inventory. The Career Pathway Project, funded through the USDOE Title V Consolidated Grant, partners with the Guam Community College to provide the WorkKeys curriculum to high school students, which is one of the programs supported by the new career lab.
WorkKeys assessments are conducted for graduating seniors every year. As part of the GDOE State Strategic Plan, the ACT WorkKeys is used to determine student readiness for the world of work. Test questions assess student skill levels in these three core areas: · Applied Mathematics · Graphic Literacy · Workplace Documents The ACT WorkKeys is a tool that helps employers identify individuals with essential, verifiable workplace skills. As students successfully complete the WorkKeys assessment in their junior or senior years of high school, they receive a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). The NCRC is a portable, evidence-based credential that certifies essential skills needed for workplace success, and is recognized both locally and nationally by various employers.
For more information about ACT WorkKeys, please contact Career Pathway Project Lead Frank Leon Guerrero at flleonguerrero@gdoe.net or GCC’s Office of Continuing Education & Workforce Development at learning4life@guamcc.edu.