We are pleased to inform you that a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) has been successfully negotiated and signed for GDOE Teachers. Here is a concise summary of some of the key provisions within the agreement:

1.    Instructional Time Make-Up Days (2.A.3): The Department of Education (DOE) will amend its standard operating procedures to include make-up days for instructional time lost due to emergencies, such as water outages, power outages, or emergency declarations, within the school calendar.

2.    Grading Deadlines (2.J.3): Grades will be due at the close of business, four work days after the mid-semester/semester ends. Special deadlines will be set for senior grades before the end of semester two.

3.    Accreditation Commitment (2.M.1 NEW): At the beginning of each school year, an agreement will be established between the accreditation coordinator and administrators to work on deliverables related to accreditation.

4.    Weingarten Rights (4.G NEW, 4.G.1 NEW): Employees have the right to request union representation in meetings that could lead to discipline, termination, or changes in personal working conditions.

5.    Professional Development (4.B.5): Teachers will be provided with designated professional development days to collaborate with content area teachers at specific locations.

6.    Music Classroom Equipment (6.A.1): Each secondary music classroom will have at least one properly functioning piano/keyboard and other working instruments.

7.    Nurse Zoom Meeting Coverage (6.E.5): Nurses participating in virtual meetings will have coverage for their office to fully engage in the meetings.

8.    School Counselor Duties (6.F.1, 6.F.4.e, 6.F.4.f): School counselor duties will align with the latest American School Counselors Association (ASCA) National Model.

Additionally, please note that certain language changes have been made from “quarter” to “semester” or “mid-semester” in various sections of the agreement.

We encourage all union members to review the full CBA for a comprehensive understanding of its terms and implications. This agreement represents a significant achievement in our ongoing efforts to advocate for the rights and interests of our members.

If you have any questions or require further clarification on any aspect of the CBA, please feel free to reach out to your union representatives.

In solidarity,