Occupational burnout is a significant issue that affects professionals across various fields, leading to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. The book “First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success” by Jenny Grant Rankin offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and combating this pervasive problem, with strategies that can be generalized to other occupations. We will explore practical strategies for alleviating burnout, drawing on excerpts from Rankin’s book and other relevant sources to provide a compelling argument on how to reduce and alleviate burnout effectively.

Understanding Burnout

Burnout is characterized by a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and a sense of ineffectiveness. Rankin highlights that burnout can manifest in various ways, including detachment from work, personal life, or surroundings, cynicism, feelings of hopelessness, irritability, declining productivity, and emotional or physical exhaustion. These symptoms can severely impact an individual’s ability to perform their duties effectively and maintain a healthy work-life balance (Rankin, 2022, pp. 25–26).

The Importance of Self-Care

book cover First Aid for Teacher BurnoutOne of the central themes in Rankin’s book is the importance of self-care for professionals. Rankin draws an analogy to the safety instructions given on airplanes: “Every time I flew with my young daughter, the flight attendant reminded me to put on my oxygen mask before my child’s if an emergency hit“. This advice is crucial for professionals as well; they must prioritize their own well-being to effectively support their responsibilities. Rankin emphasizes that taking care of oneself is not selfish but essential for maintaining the ability to perform and inspire others (Rankin, 2022, p. 25).

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout

Recognizing the signs of burnout is the first step towards addressing it. Rankin provides a detailed list of symptoms, including detachment, cynicism, feelings of hopelessness, irritability, declining productivity, and emotional or physical exhaustion. She also shares a poignant confession from a professional overwhelmed by the demands of their job: “I used to feel competent and hopeful about my work, but now I feel drained of the energy to overcome its challenges“. This confession highlights the compounded stressors that many professionals face and the urgent need for support (Rankin, 2022, p. 25).

Practical Strategies for Alleviating Burnout

The chapter offers several practical strategies for alleviating burnout, many of which are rooted in research and expert recommendations. These strategies include:

  1. Setting Boundaries: Professionals should learn to say no to additional responsibilities that may overwhelm them. Rankin provides examples of how to politely decline requests and set realistic expectations about what they can and cannot take on. For instance, Rankin suggests, “Allow yourself the opportunity to say ‘no’ to taking on more roles and responsibilities within the workplace“ (Rankin, 2022, p. 78).
  2. Prioritizing Tasks: Professionals should focus on the most important tasks and let go of less critical ones. Rankin suggests setting daily goals and treating oneself gently when determining what to accomplish each day. She advises, “Set realistic goals each day. Goal setting and time management can help prevent and alleviate burnout“ (Rankin, 2022, p. 114).
  3. Leveraging Technology: Technology can be a valuable tool for reducing workload and increasing efficiency. Rankin encourages professionals to use digital resources for managing tasks, communication, and project planning. For example, using an online planner specifically designed for professionals can help corral everything needed for tasks in one calendar-like place, reducing hassle and chaos (Rankin, 2022, pp. 108–109).
  4. Creating a Positive Work Environment: A well-organized and stimulating work environment can reduce stress and enhance productivity. Rankin provides tips for decluttering, organizing, and creating a supportive workspace. She suggests, “Custodial staff is often willing to help you lift or hang items, particularly if you’re appreciative of their assistance“ (Rankin, 2022, pp. 61–62).
  5. Engaging in Self-Care Activities: Professionals should make time for activities that help them relax and recharge. Rankin shares examples of individuals who take breaks during lunch, practice yoga, or engage in hobbies outside of work to maintain their well-being. For instance, one professional mentioned, “I now have an alarm that goes off at the beginning of lunch every day that reminds me to stop trying to work through lunch to try and catch up, and instead to go outside and enjoy the fresh air“ (Rankin, 2022, pp. 78–79).
  6. Seeking Support: Rankin emphasizes the importance of seeking support from colleagues, supervisors, and mental health professionals. She encourages professionals to speak up about their struggles and advocate for their needs. For example, professionals can request professional development (PD) that addresses their specific challenges and provides practical solutions (Rankin, 2022, p. 40,45-46).
  7. Collaboration: Emphasizing the benefits of collaboration, Rankin provides strategies for effective teamwork among professionals. She includes tips for collaborative project planning and sharing resources to lighten individual workloads. Rankin notes, “When professionals collaborate, it benefits the organization and the team, and it also benefits individuals by giving them the support and time needed to handle challenges and succeed“ (Rankin, 2022, pp. 127–128).
  8. Avoiding Toxic Traps: One of the primary hazards for burnout is the presence of negative colleagues, which can include negative superiors. Rankin suggests strategies to avoid toxic talk and maintain a positive outlook. She advises, “When a colleague complains to you, first affirm the gripe and then model constructive thinking“ (Rankin, 2022, pp. 47–48).
  9. Advocating for Change: When factors causing burnout are outside of a professional’s control, such as longer workdays, Rankin provides tools to advocate for change. She emphasizes the importance of clear communication and advocacy for professionals’ needs. For instance, Rankin cites a special report from Education Week, which states, “Professionals commonly said it would help if their organization provided additional time to plan or catch up, waived some expectations or required tasks during periods of particularly high stress, or reduced the number of required meetings“ (Rankin, 2022, p. 39).
  10. Engaging in Activism: The final chapter of Rankin’s book encourages professionals to engage in activism to advocate for systemic changes in their field. It provides practical ways for professionals to get involved in policy-making and public advocacy to improve their profession. Rankin includes time-minimal options for even the busiest of professionals to participate in activism (Rankin, 2022, pp. 48–49).

The Role of Supervisors

Supervisors play a crucial role in supporting professionals and preventing burnout. Rankin emphasizes the need for supervisors to listen to their team’s concerns and provide the necessary resources and support. This includes offering adequate planning time, reducing unnecessary meetings, and providing professional development tailored to the team’s needs. Supervisors should also foster a collaborative culture where professionals feel valued and supported (Rankin, 2022, p. 121).


Burnout is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a holistic approach to address. The strategies outlined in Rankin’s book offer a starting point for professionals to take control of their well-being and create a more balanced and fulfilling professional life. By prioritizing self-care, seeking support, leveraging available resources, and advocating for change, professionals can overcome burnout and continue to excel in their careers.

In conclusion, practical strategies for alleviating burnout include setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, leveraging technology, creating a positive work environment, engaging in self-care activities, seeking support, collaborating with colleagues, avoiding toxic traps, advocating for change, and engaging in activism. Supervisors also play a crucial role in supporting professionals and preventing burnout. By implementing these strategies, professionals can reclaim their well-being and find sustainable success in their careers.


Rankin, J.G. (2022). First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success (2nd ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003281320