The GFT At-Large Election will take place Friday, February 28, 2020. The candidates for the Treasurer position are Lisa Mosher and Mary Jean Vigilante. Candidate information can be found at
In order to vote, you must be a member in good standing on or before February 28, 2020 and bring a valid ID. Absentee voting will be permitted from 8am-5pm Monday, February 24 – Thursday, February 27 at the GFT Office.
To best accommodate all voting members, the election will take place at various work sites throughout the island. For additional information, voting times and locations, please contact the GFT office at 735-4390, contact your Union Steward, or visit
Uncontested winners from this election are Timothy Fedenko (President), Sanjay Sharma (Vice-President) and Corazon Mucho (Secretary). Officer installation/Delegate election will take place at the 13th Annual Convention.