Comments for GFT Guam Federation of Teachers Tue, 14 Mar 2023 01:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on 14th Annual GFT Convention by Vickie Tue, 14 Mar 2023 01:58:24 +0000 Yes, I’ll attend on March 18

Comment on Government of Guam proposes a 22% increase for the General Pay Plan by Jinky Bravo Sun, 26 Feb 2023 12:23:12 +0000 I would greatly appreciate if I/we will be given a raised of 22% of my salary. Because nowadays everything is expensive, how can we survive us low incomes? I am a single mother who’s been working at the hospital ( GMHA) for 9 yrs this year. I am SSD TECH II, I work in Cardio Clinic, I believed I/we deserved to get our raised. Just a big favor and big consideration for us who work in Medical Fields who served the community of Guam. As one of the employees of GMHA I worked during pandemic time, those tough times I/we had it is not easy. And yes we have Covid pay those days we were given consideration 15% on top of our salary and 10% for COVID PAY was given to us temporarily but now they already took it out. And yet we Thank our governor for giving us 15% additional of our salary. I am so grateful having this additional amount on my salary it helps a lot And for giving us another 22% I/we will be more grateful because it is really a big help to me. Imagine how many people that you will make them Smile and happy. And this is priceless. I hope and I pray this will be given to us low income. I work hard. I dedicated my life those days of pandemic ( Covid time). Us who works in Medical field we never received yearly bonus atleast any amount. We don’t have SS as well. We do have COLA but we need to work not until 55 yrs old. I hope this increase will be given to us please 🙏 have the heart of consideration for us poor and low income. God blessed to our Governor who truly has the good heart ♥️

Comment on Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program by Forgiveness Loans and TEACH Grant Thu, 06 Jan 2022 15:37:51 +0000 […] Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program ranging from $5000 to $17,500. […]

Comment on Receive a TEACH Grant to Pay for College by Forgiveness Loans and TEACH Grant Thu, 06 Jan 2022 15:31:54 +0000 […] Receive a TEACH Grant to Pay for College for people who want to become teachers. […]

Comment on Talks of Extending School Year 2021-2022 by Vickie Sun, 12 Dec 2021 07:08:00 +0000 The GEB is running after something they can’t catch.
Lost instruction time was due to a global pandemic. Cohorts were put in place for the safety of all involved with education. As an educator I was working 5 days a week.
Seek an exemption to the law of required instruction hours like was done for school year 2020-2021, finish school year 2021-2022 with as much instruction time as safety protocols allow, and move on.
